Wednesday, April 23, 2008

long break

at a music festival
today we planted flowers
these are for Bill. Bill is in DC for the week and we really miss him. We are trying to get the house up on the market again so O, C, and I planted a few flowers (we watered with collected rain water). More later
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~melinda~ said...

where are you guys going? thought a move was not in the cards for you. what's up???

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all your comments on my blog. I'm out-of-this-world excited! I wonder if it's even possible for me to have a girl. I look at your beautiful crew and think, maybe.... just maybe! I hope you're well. I always wonder where you live because in the pictures of your little ones I envision a beautiful home on a large piece of property. Lots of trees to climb and forests to roam! I so wish I knew you in real life. I think our families would have fun together!

Much Love and Thanks again Mama!


Anonymous said...

Can you believe... I turned 35 in February! Amazing!

Much Love,

dera frances white said...

i hope your house does well. our's is on the market too. only 1 person has looked into it. oh well. maybe we can time it right and all move out to the country together!? love your photos!