Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Update

Today started out a little rough. After a night of being poked and prodded, Kathy was still having trouble with nausea and headaches. Changed up the meds and she slept well into the afternoon. In the hour and a half between Dad (John) arriving at 4 and Bill returning at 5:30, Kathy showed incredible improvement, kicking the fever, walking down the hall, and eating 2 bowls of salad. After another stroll down the hall in her designer gown (designed by Pi Kaboo of Ohio), Kathy retired to humor Bill watching the Bourne Supremacy on TBS. As this is only the 15th time he's seen it, she was comfortable sleeping through the entire movie.

Special thanks to Aunt Joanne for cracking the whip on the staff and getting them moving, while Bill slipped off to SPA:Kaasa for a shower. Because I promised her I wouldn't mention it, Joanne ate one of the subs in the basket from yesterday. Who eats day old sandwiches? Sorry Joanne. Also, special thanks to John Kaasa for being the "bad cop" in my absence ... he got the staff moving in the right direction.

The most special thanks for our time at the hospital (and for good deeds even before Kathy checked in) goes to Lucy, John's co-worker at Automated Logic. Lucy prepared a basket of the most needed food (except for pork rinds :)) for those of us waiting during Kathy's surgery yesterday. We ate like kings and queens! Tonight we dined on the most wonderful salad and soup combo. Thanks, Lucy for giving us just what we needed ... sustenance to get through these days. You're our Fairy Godmother - a much better image than John walking down the hall looking like a fairy!

So, we end the night with lots of good news and high hopes. Kathy should be leaving the hospital Saturday morning, destination SPA:Kaasa, the world renowned recovery clinic. We're very lucky to be where we are today, and know Kathy will show great progress in the coming days.


Ryan, Darcy, and Arlo said...

We're sending lots of good thoughts for a quick recovery from the Pac NW. Glad Kathy is sleeping and improving and that Bill is showering. Keep it up!

Amy said...

Thank you for keeping us up-to-date, Bill, with pictures and all. :)
I hope the transition today goes well and you're all able to get some good rest.

Tina said...

Glad to hear Kath is doing better! Please give her gentle hugs and send love from me. Thanks for keeping all of us updated, family & friends... wish I loved closer so I could help!