Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa!

Happy b-day Dad!! Hope you have a good day...with my kids! Grandma and Grandpa are taking all the kids to see Curious George at the Fox! I think everyone will have fun.

Today I feel better! Finally! My friend Lori Puckett and her daughter McKenna are here to help out for a few days and it is so good to see them. We would normally be camping with their family this week and we are wishing we were sitting around a fire. Lori has been such a huge help. I am just so tired these days and feel like I'm constantly taking a nap.

We have our first appt with the radiation oncologist and the medical oncologist set up for April 20th. The nurse said they typically start radiation 6 wks after surgery. Ready to get all this behind us. I am tired of dealing with cancer. So grateful not to have to do chemo though. Really ready to get these drains out. My output is steadily declining so I am hopeful to have them out early next week. Fingers crossed. I hate these drains.


Jim H said...

Down with drains! :(

Tina said...

and up with feeling a bit better and getting the drains out!
thanks for the update, Kath - glad you are starting to feel better!
Love you, T

Anonymous said...

Take advantage of all the nap time:) So glad to hear you are doing better! Thanks for all the updates - I'm still praying everyday!