Hmmm, this blog used to be just for sharing pictures of the kids with relatives and friends who lived far away. I would put up pics and very few words...just give people a little glimpse into our life. Now I feel like I'm putting up naked pics of myself. I like to keep things to myself. I can't do that with this..... I think I will be a very different person after all this. Hopefully for the better.
I wake up every morning and for a split second life is good and then I remember. I hate waking up and crying. That is not me. I know it will get better and that this is just so new, but I want me back. I want to be full of energy and happy and laughing. We'll get there but it's going to be so much harder than we thought. I am so afraid of this next surgery. I don't really 'do' doctors or pills...I don't even like band-aids!
On the up-side....we have been just showered with love from all around. Our friends and family have been amazing. We have offers of help and ears to listen and lots of prayers being said. Things like this really do show the best in people. Bill and I have always been a little 'picky' about our friends as neither one of us is very out-going. We'd just as soon stay home together than anything else. Through this we see what an amazing group of friends we have accumulated through the years. That helps a lot. I don't know. We just go through each day and know it will slowly get better.
sorry for the rambling...but, it is MY blog! This can't all stay in my head. You can stop reading and just wait for the fun kid pics! I won't be insulted...heck, I won't even know!