Thursday, February 18, 2010

haven't had pics in a while...

they love their Auntie
Under Owen's bed


I am back from my trip to DeNial. Some how things are still the same. I must decide on a uni-lateral or bi-lateral mastectomy. What a choice. How do you make a choice like that? I don't want to make a choice out of fear, but there is no way to know if the left side is healthy. Do I take a gamble and keep the left and hope that the fear factor subsides? Do I do both and know that I will have NO feeling in my entire chest but also eliminate my chance of another round of cancer? Only I can make this choice but it sure is hard. I know what Bill would prefer, I think I know what my Dr would do, but what do I want to do? Maybe I'll go back to DeNial........

Did I mention that I hate cancer?
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Jim H said...

I think you may have something to that effect in the not too distant past (hate C). Then I always knew that anyway. LUM

dera frances white said...

i really love the picture of the cars under O's bed... so awesome.

also, i have my opinions about the double mas, but i'm assuming you want fewer voices.
