Monday, February 22, 2010

It's working!

All this 'blah blah blah" I've been doing seems to be working. My fear factor is going down...lots. My next surgery date is March 25th.


Jan & Bob said...

Morgan says he's gonna need a lot more wine to keep praying that long.

We love you!


zjoandcsmom said...

I hear ya! I may have to go buy another bottle of Tylenol PM! Love you guys.

Ryan, Darcy, and Arlo said...

Personally, I think you should feel free to use lots of profanity. Cancer hates profanity, and there's nothing like a good f-bomb to scare the crap out of it.

Keep on kicking butt!

zjoandcsmom said...

Darcy, I tried that! Almost doesn't care. Damn. I get on my treadmill in the morning and curse it the whole time!

Joe said...

Hi Kathy! Just want to say that Michelle and I are thinking of you and you are in our prayers.

You're kids are beautiful! I love the pictures! Keep snapping and keep posting!

As Dad would say, LUM!

Your cousin,

zjoandcsmom said...

thanks Joe!