Saturday, August 01, 2009


silly girl
had trouble with my focus
one of the boys left this on the ground she found it and very quietly snuck out the back door to try it out. She put the holster on by herself too. Annie Oakley? The kids know I hate guns and the only reason we have this was for a halloween constume....I thought it got put away. hmmm.
Cait and I got stung by bees tonight. Ouch.
We are LOVING our new space. The older 2 boys were at climbing camp Mon-Fri so we have not been home much. I would drive them in every morning (had to be there by 9) and find something to do until 4. We really liked not having to leave the house today. Every day one or two of the kids says how much they love our new house. Hope school goes as well!
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