Friday, February 19, 2010

yes, I do still have some kids

O with cookie crumbs
O hiding in the bushes....still with the cookie crumbs
O and Cait

Finally, we could get outside to play! Glad it is Friday and we don't have to wake up early tomorrow. I think I may go back to DeNial ....just for the weekend. We may hear about a surgery date on Monday. Blah.
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Amy said...

Oh the black truck! How fun that you still have that. Whatever you paid for the originally was surely too little!

Sorry you have such a yucky decision to make soon. :(

zjoandcsmom said...

I laughed to myself as they played in that truck. Made me think of Zach and John when they were little. I got that truck at a consignment store in $17.00 ever!

pmamabergy said...

I just absolutely love your blog and your photography is amazingly expressive!! Kathy, you continue to inspire me and I love you so much. I am so blessed to be living nearer to you now. We prayer warriors unite!

The will of God will never take us where the Grace of God will not protect us...