Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter and birthday!

Our boys put this together!
drains anyone?
here's our princess
Thank you Cathy Vitek!

Yesterday was so beautiful! The sun was out and it was warm, finally! We spent most of the day in the backyard playing (well, I watched). Bill and I went to our extra freezer to pick out my birthday dinner and found someone had sent a lemon tart! The boys put every candle they could get their hands on in that tart! Despite my drains I had a pretty good birthday. Not exactly the way I had envisioned celebrating my 40th but we made the best of it. Hoping to get these damn drains out in the next few days.

Poor Cait woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. No idea why but she still doesn't feel well this morning and did throw up again. Please, please don't let this run through the house.

I had such a great visit with Lori Puckett! She and McKenna came and helped so very much. They left early Sunday morning to join the rest of their family in Florida for Easter. Lori and McKenna were such a huge help. Thank you!!!

Today the boys are playing in the backyard, Bill is working in the yard and Cait and I are on the couch. Not a bad day. Glad for spring break and nice weather.Posted by Picasa

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