Tuesday, April 20, 2010

radiation station here we come

Met with our rad onc today. Very nice guy...kinda tiny, but nice. I start rads May 3rd and get to go 5 days a week for 6 1/2 weeks. Lucky me.

Another thing......next week I have 4, yes 4, doctors appointments. I don't even like going to the Dr so 4 times seems so excessive. We never go to the Dr. Uggh. One of my appt is with the plastic surgeon and I am going to make him give me a date for my exchange surgery. I know it won't be until end of Oct/beg of Nov but I want something to look forward to. Something that says this is almost over. A little light at the end of the tunnel. How sad that I am looking forward to more surgery.

1 comment:

Ryan, Darcy, and Arlo said...

Good luck, Kathy! This may be an inappropriate joke (and I'm sorry if it is) but don't look forward to the plastic surgery so much that you come out looking like Pamela Anderson.

Again, sorry if that is offensive. Personally, I thought it was funny and couldn't keep myself from sharing it with you. Darn blogging Tourette's...