Friday, April 16, 2010


I haven't 'updated' in quite some time. I find I am very tired and don't have a lot of extra physical or emotional energy. I have decided to funnel all that I have into healing and then my family. For once I have to put 'me' first. The surgery took a lot out of much harder than birthing a baby! I have had a good appt with my plastic surgeon (he's so kind an understanding), my breast surgeon (I love her), and next week we will meet with the rad onc. So, things are moving, just slowly. The kids are doing amazing. My MIL is here and that is a wonderful thing. So, I'm here just trying to get back to normal....whatever that is. Hey, I hear I had major surgery....huh, maybe that's why it's taking me so darn long to recover! Just to clarify....I hate cancer.

1 comment:

Jim H said...

Gee, hate cancer! I'm sooo surprised. Been looking for you, glad to see you're back. LUM