Saturday, January 30, 2010


I love this man. He has been amazing through this. Letting me cry, get mad, irrational, and laugh. He makes me feel so loved and even protected....something I never thought I would want! Thank you Billy. I chose the right man and feel so fortunate.
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Amy said...

Awwww..... Isn't it interesting how we don't even really know what we'd really need/want in a husband when we get married? It's so wonderful to see a couple growing together and loving each other more and more. I still remember seeing the 2 of you hugging out on the driveway one morning -- and I thought you were such a great couple even then. I'm glad this trial is bringing you even closer.

erquiet said...

Who is that guy? Doesn't look like the crusty old man you married ... is that Rick?

You know you are the ying to my yang. Without you and all you've taught me, I'd be much less a man than I am today.

Kick this thing so you can teach me more and we can grow old laughing at the clouds.

zjoandcsmom said...

I wondered if you would 'see' this one! Consider it done.

dera frances white said...

holy crap. i thought your post was sweet... his comment made me cry!