Thursday, January 28, 2010

We have a date...

Bill and I met with my surgeon yesterday. I will have the surgery Feb 10. I am ready to get this thing out and move on. Really like my surgeon and am feeling Ok with it. It is hard for me to accept that I have cancer. Can't quite wrap my head around it. I guess it takes time.


Patty and Otis said...

We love you Kathy . You are in our thoughts and prayers every day--I even have a couple of people at the Y praying for you!!! Go get 'em Kathy---Love Otis and Patty

RivkA with a capital A said...

It sure does. and by the time you wrap your head around it, hopefully you will be done with it.

Thanks for stopping by my blog (Coffee and Chemo). Hope you will visit again!